Does Your House Have Lions?

"One day in the late sixties, I was on the phone with Rahsaan and mentioned to him that just that day I bought a house.
He responded by asking, "Does your house have lions?"
I said, "What?"
He said, "Lions, you know like in front of a museum or the post office. You know, concrete lions. My house has lions. Get a house with lions."

--Joel Dorn

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Radio Tribute to Rahsaan today

Hi everybody,

KOOP, 91.7 (a public radio station here in Austin) has agreed to let me come on the air today from 2ish-3ish-CST to pay tribute to Rahsaan. Each Saturday they have a program called "Graveside Service" which honors celebrities death anniversaries. If you feel like tuning in they are streaming on the www@
