Does Your House Have Lions?

"One day in the late sixties, I was on the phone with Rahsaan and mentioned to him that just that day I bought a house.
He responded by asking, "Does your house have lions?"
I said, "What?"
He said, "Lions, you know like in front of a museum or the post office. You know, concrete lions. My house has lions. Get a house with lions."

--Joel Dorn

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

West Coast friends--"The Case of The Three Sided Dream" is coming your way!

(from filmmaker Adam Kahan):

We are pleased to be presenting The Case of the Three Sided Dream west of our New York home base this month.
If you are in Missoula Montana this weekend (or need a reason to be) please join us at the Big Sky film festival this Sunday, February 8th.…/case_of_the_three_side…/c/17
From Montana, we head to LA for the Pan African film festival. Three dates - February 12, 15 and 16.…/f…/the-case-of-the-three-sided-dream/
And we finish our February tour in San Francisco, former home of legendary jazz club Keystone Korner, where Rahsaan played regularly. (Also former home of Yours Truly where I learned filmmaking.) We'll be at ATA as part of the Noise Pop festival, on Saturday, February 21st.…/noise-pop-the-case-of-the-three-…
Hope you can join us.
Bright Moments.